Knowledge Web Project Comes to its End... December 14, 2007

Knowledge Web project, a four-year EU research project, comes to its end by the end of this year. The project forms the Semantic Web community in Europe while contributing to the cutting edge research and development of semantic technologies along the lines of education, research and industry. My major contributions were in semantic web services that enable automation of services’ tasks. Over the past three years, I worked as a leader of these activities and, thanks to the project, we were able to make a significant contribution in the community. Here are our major achievements:

  • Development of the WSMO, a service ontology.

  • Development of the WSML, a language for Semantic Web Services,

  • Development of the WSMX, a middleware system and architecture for Semantic Web Services execution;

Along the above lines, we contributed to the development of the SWS Challenge, a methodology and a testbed for the Semantic Web Services as well as solutions for the challenge scenarios, standardisations in OASIS (SEE TC, Semantic Execution Environment Technical Committee), and standardisations in W3C (SAWSDL, Semantic Annotations for WSDL and XML Schema) and published over 60 papers in conferences and journals.

With the end of the project, these activities will not come to the end. We will further continue developing the lightweight ontology for Semantic Web Services (that we call WSMO-Lite), services mashups powered by semantic technologies and development of related services’ tasks. There is a number of follow up projects such as SOA4ALL, Service Web 3.0, etc. where all these activities will find its place.