Fresh New Website May 18, 2019

I finally refurbished my website to a new content and style. I am now using Hugo and a template from which I very much like for its simplicity (thank you Josh Barratt). I am also using GitHub to store the source code and GitHub pages to host the website. There is two docker containers (Hugo and nginx server) that I use to run my website locally before I post the final content to GitHub. GitHub makes it very simple to run static websites all for free.

There is a lot of stuff happening that I plan to share with anyone interested in performance tuning and troubleshooting mainly around large-scale integration domains covering both traditional architectures such as SOA and ESB, but also more recent ones around microservices. I also spend much time in my home sandbox and hopefully some of my mud pies could be of interest to you. I share as much as I can on GitHub as gists or open source software that you are free to fork and reuse.